Hubs Terms of References

Climate Resilient WASH Hub
Derrick SHEMA

Hub Overview

Climate resilient WASH aims to ensure the continued availability and accessibility of safe water, proper sanitation, and improved hygiene practices in the face of changing climatic conditions.
The hub focuses on the implementation and knowledge transfer of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) strategies and approaches that are designed to withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change conditions.

Objectives and Goals

Capacity Building: The hub aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of its members in implementing climate-resilient WASH practices through training sessions, workshops, and educational resources.
Innovation and Research: The hub seeks to promote innovation and research in the field of climate-resilient WASH practices.
Project Implementation: The hub aspires to actively implement projects that showcase the practical application of climate-resilient WASH practices.
Youth Engagement: The hub seeks to engage young professionals and students in the field of water and sanitation.

Responsibilities and Roles

Development of a minimum of 3 proposals in the pipeline.
Facilitate knowledge exchange.
Coordinate collaborative initiatives with other hubs and institutions.
Recruit members with expertise, experience or a keen interest in the hub.
Collect resource materials designated to promote climate resilient WASH practices.
Facilitate communication (upward, downward, internal and external) in the organization.