
WaterAid Rwanda



Bugesera WASH capacity building project

Strengthening capacity for sustainable, climate resilient and gender sensitive WASH in Bugesera District

The project is in line with the wider program under the strategic Aim 1 of WaterAid Rwanda, which looks at accelerating universal access to WASH services from Bugesera District. The proposed project will aim at

  • Increasing the capacity of the district authorities and local communities to sustainably manage WASH services. 
  • Increase the participation of women in decision making and WASH Governance starting from planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. 
  • Provide a capacity needs assessment on sustainable, gender and climate resilient WASH service provision that will be done to identify the capacity gaps and to inform capacity development plan, approaches, and tools.  
  • Facilitate the creation of a sharing and learning forum on WASH Governance taking Bugesera as case study and cascading to the wider WASH stakeholders in Rwanda. 

Conversely, the project will improve community engagement (especially women and youth), taking advantage of existing structures in the community, through integrating best and replicable approaches for engaging communities for WASH services sustainability